This is the Transformers RID Combiner Force: Optimus Prime & Strongarm toy set. The two of them combine to form Primestrong. It’s for ages 6 and up. Here we have the two Crash Combiner figures. T…
Transformers Combiner Wars Blades Toy Review and Unboxing
Blades is one of the members of the Protectobots and he transforms into a cool rescue helicopter. He measures approximately 6 inches high in robot mode. I like the silver hand missiles but unfortunate…
Transformers Combiner Wars Silverbolt Toy Review
Today I’m going to review and unbox Transformers Combiner Wars Silverbolt toy from Hasbro and Tomy. 변신 로봇 Credits: Transformers and all associated names are registered trademarks of Hasbro and T…